
Physically Trading Operator Opportunities

At Black Cat Earning Institute, we offer flexible physical job opportunities for individuals in Karachi. If you prefer working in a structured office environment, our physical jobs allow you to work alongside a professional team while receiving the support and resources you need to succeed as a trading operator.Here’s what you can expect: Location: Our office is located in Karachi, offering a professional work environment. Job Timing Options: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM Salary: The starting salary for physical jobs ranges from Rs 30,000 to Rs 100,000 per month, with a 50% increment after one month. Training: Selected employees must complete the ISRD 14-day training program, which can be attended online or physically. The training cost is Rs 10,000 (Rs 5,000 at registration and Rs 5,000 after completion). Trading Accounts and Funds: The company provides trading accounts and funds, ensuring you have everything you need to perform your role. Our physical job opportunities allow you to work in a professional setting, receive hands-on training, and grow your income with time. Join us and take the next step in your career!

Physically Trading Operator Opportunities
Physically Trading Operator Opportunities
Physically Trading Operator Opportunities
Physically Trading Operator Opportunities